Monthly Archives: February 2018


The Promised Land – The Pentateuch

1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. Walk through the storyline of the Penteuch, noting examples of faithfulness and unfaithfulness.

3. Why is the Promised Land significant?

4. What is Jesus calling you to?

2018-12-06T11:56:49-06:00February 25th, 2018|Sermons|

The Promised Land – The Examples

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

  1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.
  2. What are some of the examples from the Old Testament that Paul uses?
  3. What should we learn from their examples?
  4. What does idolatry look like in your life?
2018-12-06T11:56:50-06:00February 18th, 2018|Sermons|

Filled With Awe: Part 2


Filled with Awe: Part 2-Scott Wavrin

Isaiah 6:8-13, pg 571

  1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.
  2. Tip- this shouldn’t be you!
  3. How does awe motivate you to tell others about Jesus?
  4. What does “Go” look like in your life?
  5. Who are 3 people that you can be actively praying for?


2018-02-13T09:14:38-06:00February 11th, 2018|Sermons|

Filled with Awe: Part 1

Isaiah 6:1-7, Scott Wavrin

1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sun day, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard. .

2. Why is awe of God important to our understanding of our selves.

3. How does grace keep you in awe?

4. What are ways that you have cut off sin in your life?

5. What other things keep you in awe of God?

2018-02-06T10:20:03-06:00February 4th, 2018|Sermons|