Monthly Archives: September 2018


The Authority of Jesus

follow me

Matthew 8

Community Group Questions:

1.) Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2.) What does Jesus have authority over in the passage? And how is that authority used specifically?

3.) What excuses have you given for not following Jesus? And for not obeying Jesus?

4.) If Jesus has authority in your life, to what is he calling you to be obedient?

2018-12-06T11:56:44-06:00September 30th, 2018|Sermons|

Heart of a Disciple

follow me

Matthew 5-7

1. What does it mean to follow Jesus?

2. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

3. Why is the heart so important?

4. In what ways does Jesus still need to transform your heart?

2018-12-06T11:56:44-06:00September 23rd, 2018|Sermons|