Yearly Archives: 2018


The Promised Land – The Fight Against Sin


1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. How does Joshua 10 give you a model to fight sin?

3. What is your responsibility?

4. What are some of the ways that God’s help might look like?

5. What keeps you from fighting your sin?



2018-12-06T11:56:48-06:00April 29th, 2018|Sermons|

The Promised Land – The Deceit of Sin

1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. Describe the deceitfulness of sin.

3. What are the lies that sin tells you?

4. Why do we fall for it? 5. How does exposing sin’s deceit help you overcome sin?

2018-12-06T11:56:48-06:00April 22nd, 2018|Sermons|

The Promised Land – The Affect of Sin


1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. Does your sin matter?

3. Does your sin affect others? How?

4. How is your sin reconciled?

2018-12-06T11:56:48-06:00April 15th, 2018|Sermons|

The Promised Land – Rahab and The Canannites

1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. Why is this such a difficult text to read or hear?

3. What does it teach us about God?

4. What does it teach us about the fight for righteousness, purity, and holiness?

2018-12-06T11:56:48-06:00April 8th, 2018|Sermons|

The Promised Land – The Already Accomplished Work


1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. What is it like to be an outsider?

3. What makes you an insider?

4. Why is it necessary to understand that the work has already been accomplished?

2018-12-06T11:56:49-06:00April 1st, 2018|Sermons|