Yearly Archives: 2020


Covid Update 6-3-20

Calvary Church,

We wanted to update you as Calvary begins to make steps towards re-opening.

The first thing, I want you to know is that these are not light decisions. Our Elders have been hearing regularly from Dr. Eric Wiest as well as engaging information from the State of Minnesota, the CDC, and the World Health Organization. We have been praying and seeking wisdom and have come up with the following plans.

  • Church ministries and church groups can resume using the facility under the following guidelines: We can meet freely in groups 10 and under. Within the parameters of the State of Minnesota, we can also meet in groups that exceed 10, but do not exceed 75 provided that you take social distancing seriously.  We also recommend, but do not require the use of a mask for these larger groups. These guidelines include the Friday morning Men’s Contenders group, Women’s Bible studies, committee meetings, and fellowship gatherings.
  • We are working to relaunch summer Community Groups. We will begin promoting them as soon as the details are finalized! If you are not normally a part of a Community Group and you would like to join one, this is the perfect time, please email and I will help you get connected.
  • Finally, we are tentatively planning on hosting an outdoor Worship Service on the east lawn on June 21st at 930. Much of the risk of gathering (including singing) is mitigated by being outside. As of this moment, we are not planning to meet outside every week, we are just taking one step forward. As coronavirus information changes weekly, we will have more information about that meeting and future meetings in a timely fashion.

Finally, as we start to “re-open” please be praying for church unity. There is a diversity of opinions about how all of this should be handled. We are seeking to be wise and discerning using the best local and national medical data to make our decisions, and shepherd our flock. Romans 14 teaches that we should refrain from passing judgement on one another in these kinds of issues.  Rather, let us be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3)

Thankful that we have a date on the calendar!

On behalf of the Elders,

Pastor Ben

2020-06-03T11:26:08-05:00June 3rd, 2020|Connected|