Yearly Archives: 2020


Staying Connected through Covid-19

Calvary Family,

As many of you know, the CDC has made recent changes in their Covid-19 recommendations regarding public gatherings by limiting those to 10 people or less. In light of those recommendations, Calvary Church has made the decision to cancel all activities at the church (including, Bible studies, Awana, Youth Ministry, and our Worship Service) until further notice. We are continuing to monitor the situation and will be continuing to re-assess each week and notify you of any updates or changes.

Beloved, please know this, none of this challenge our God! Let me remind you that Jesus is the bread of life (John 6). He is the light of the world (John 8). He is the door of the sheep (John 10).). He is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) He is the resurrection and the life (John 1). He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14). And He is the true vine (John 15). Our hope in Jesus is secure and he will be with us always (Matthew 28).

Beloved as we walk through this season, the Elders, Trustees, and I are working on several plans to shepherd our church through this, both physically and spiritually. We are still working through what that will look like, but hopefully we will be rolling a plan out early next week!
In the meantime, we have created several tools that we think will be helpful.

Weekend Gathering
On Sundays at 9:30, we will be hosting a digital gathering on Zoom. It will not be a “church service” per se, but will be a time of fellowship, prayer, and encouragement. We chose Zoom to facilitate our gatherings, because it allows us to see each other rather than just seeing a speaker. There are 3 ways that you can access Zoom. First, you can log in directly at
Secondly, we are working to stream the Zoom feed directly to our website. And finally, you can call in and listen. The number is (312) 626-6799, and then enter meeting code 625 219 640 followed by the pound key.

Prayer Wall
We have added a prayer wall to the Connected page on our website. You may post prayer requests, as well as be praying for the published needs of the church in this unique season.

In Acts 17, we are reminded that it is the Lord who determines our appointed times, and the boundaries of our land. Much like Esther, we were appointed for a time such as this. Let us walk forward not in timidity or fear, but with our eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.

Partnering with you in the Gospel,
Pastor Ben

2020-03-20T19:18:56-05:00March 20th, 2020|Connected|

The Gospel and Freedom

1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. Why are there limits to Christian freedom?

3. In what ways does culture influence the Christian faith in general and personally?

4. What does it mean, “…you were bought with a price”?

2020-03-17T14:20:18-05:00March 15th, 2020|Sermons|

The Gospel Applied

Community Group Questions

1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.
2. How is sin deceiving?
3. Why are we so easily deceived?
4. In verse 11, Paul writes such were some of you. What were some things that you previously found your idenity in?
5. What does it mean that you have been washed, sanctified, and justified?

2020-03-13T11:45:16-05:00March 8th, 2020|Sermons|

The Gospel and Justice

  1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.
  2. How does a little leaven leaven the whole lump?
  3. What does that mean in a church context?
  4. How does the gospel make church discipline necessary?
  5. Under what conditions should church disciple be considered?
  6. What is the aim of church discipline?
2020-03-03T09:10:32-06:00March 1st, 2020|Sermons|

The Gospel and Discipline

The Gospel and Discipline
1 Corinthians 5  pg. 954

Community Group Questions:

  1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.
  2. How does a little leaven leaven the whole lump?
  3. What does that mean in a church context?
  4. How does the gospel make church discipline necessary?
  5. Under what conditions should church discipline be considered?
  6. What is the aim of church discipline?
2020-02-25T12:39:00-06:00February 25th, 2020|Sermons|

The Gospel and Servanthood

Community Group Questions

  1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.
  2. What is the role of a servant or steward?
  3. Why was it important to regard Paul and Apollos as servants and stewards?
  4. How are we to follow his example?
2020-02-18T10:29:53-06:00February 18th, 2020|Sermons|

The Gospel and Maturity

Community Group Question

  1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.
  2. What is Christian maturity?
  3. What defines Christian maturity?
  4. How do we grow in Christian maturity?


2020-02-11T11:57:02-06:00February 9th, 2020|Sermons|

The Gospel and His Word

Community Group Questions

1. Give a brief 2-3 minute summary of the message from Sunday, allowing others to fill in the blanks of what they heard.

2. How is the gospel contrary to my self-centeredness?

3. How is the gosepl contrary to human wisdom? 

4. Why must we be people of the Word?

5. What does your time in the Word look like?


2020-02-06T10:28:41-06:00February 2nd, 2020|Sermons|