Thanksgiving Service
Our Thanksgiving Service will be held this evening at 6PM. This service is a time for us as a church to gather and give testimonies of thanksgiving for all ages, so please bring your children and encourage them to share as well. Immediately following, there will be a coffee and dessert fellowship. Please bring something [...]
Women’s Bible Study
Ladies please join us as we study the books of 1 John, 2 John and 3 John on Tuesdays @ 9:30 and Wednesdays @ 6pm. Put it on your calendar and plan to join us. Please e-mail Christina Wavrin, if you have questions.
Women’s Bible Study
Ladies please join us as we study the books of 1 John, 2 John and 3 John on Tuesdays @ 9:30 and Wednesdays @ 6pm. Put it on your calendar and plan to join us. Please e-mail Christina Wavrin, if you have questions.
Senior Adult Breakfast
All Senior adults are invited to the Fryin’ Pan on Main in Fargo for breakfast and a time of fellowship the first Thursday of each month at 9:00am.
No Wednesday Evening Activities – Christmas Holiday
Due to the Christmas holiday, we will not be having Wednesday evening activities. We will resume again on Wednesday, January 8th.
Christmas Ladies Night Out
Come and enjoy some fellowship, coffee and something sweet to eat on Wednesday, December 18th @ 7:30pm at Village Inn in Moorhead. If you would like to let someone else do the driving on our wonderful winter roads or if you are willing to pick someone up, please e-mail Courtney Tracy. Hope to see you [...]
Christmas Eve Service
Please make plans to join us Tuesday, December 24th for our Christmas Eve service as we celebrate the birth of Christ! The service begins at 4pm and will be a candlelight service. We have special electronic candles for the kids!
Senior Adult Breakfast
All Senior adults are invited to the Fryin’ Pan on Main in Fargo for breakfast and a time of fellowship the first Thursday of each month at 9:00am.
Women’s Bible Study
Ladies please join us as we study the book of Daniel on Tuesdays @ 9:30am and Wednesdays @ 6pm. Put it on your calendar and plan to join us. Please e-mail Christina Wavrin, if you have questions.
Women’s Bible Study
Ladies please join us as we study the book of Daniel on Tuesdays @ 9:30am and Wednesdays @ 6pm. Put it on your calendar and plan to join us. Please e-mail Christina Wavrin, if you have questions.