Calvary Church at Village Green 2801 Village Green Blvd, Moorhead, United StatesCasey Kriege and Kaylee Compton Time of ceremony is 4:30pm on Nov 4th, number expected 300.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Next Sunday (Nov 12th) is your last opportunity to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to church! The boxes will be distributed, along with a gospel booklet, to impoverished children in foreign countries, sharing both items they need and the life-giving message of Jesus with them. Pray that God will direct your boxes to the children who need the [...]
Celebrate the Extra Hour-All Church Potluck
Calvary Church at Village Green 2801 Village Green Blvd, Moorhead, United StatesYour stomach says you're hungry for lunch...but it's only 11:00am? With the change of the clocks...FALLING BACK an hour...Let's fill the 'change of time' with fellowship around the table. Please remember when bringing a main dish also needed is a salad or dessert to share. Thank you! No Connection Hour today
Senior Youth to Sky Zone
SkyzoneSky Zone is the plan! If you have questions, contact Tyler at 701-541-0454 or We will meet at Sky Zone 940 40th St S, Fargo
Jail Chaplains sponsoring: rePurposing lives
Holiday Inn 3803 13th Ave S, Fargo, ND, United StatesDessert social and fundraiser 5:30pm Silent Auction 6:45pm Live Auction 7:00pm Program $15.00 per person $250.00 sponsored table (10 seats) Tickets available: Questions: 701-364-0067 or
Middle School Youth Ministry
Calvary Church at Village Green 2801 Village Green Blvd, Moorhead, United StatesMiddle School Youth Ministry Schedule for Fall 2017
AWANA Club-Patriotic Night
Calvary Church at Village Green 2801 Village Green Blvd, Moorhead, United StatesAwana Year Calendar 2017-2018 Wear Red, White and Blue as we celebrate our country and veterans
Shoebox Collection Sunday
Calvary Church at Village Green 2801 Village Green Blvd, Moorhead, United StatesCollection of Operation Christmas Boxes
Comedy for a Cause**
Bethel E Free Church 2702 30th Ave S, FargoJoin us on November 14th at Bethel Church for our fall fundraiser: Comedy for a Cause. Comedy for a Cause is a time to laugh and to learn about a local non-profit that brings love and hope to hurting teens in the Fargo-Moorhead community. This year's event features [...]
AWANA Club-Food Drive
Calvary Church at Village Green 2801 Village Green Blvd, Moorhead, United States** STORE Incentive Nights for Sparks and TNT Clubs Awana Year Calendar 2017-2018 Thankful for what we have. Bring a food item to share with local food pantry.